ICAS Assessments
1. Get started & order
Download our Checklist to get started!
Terms and Conditions for Schools
Surat Pengiktirafan Markah Koku ICAS 2023
MOE Acknowledgement Letter 2022
2. Communicate
School to Parents Permission Letter
Template letter for parent, tell them about ICAS including permission form.
Parent Instructions for Locked-down browser
Request to install locked-down browser on student device. Required for Writing only.
ICAS promotion content
Spread the word about ICAS to your students/parents. Content includes images for social media and website.
3. Prepare for testing
Teacher Training Presentation (for Teachers)
Share this with teachers/colleagues who will administer/invigilate the tests
Technical Requirements (for devices)
Check student devices are test ready. Includes links to the mandatory technical readiness test and to the locked-down browser installation instructions (Writing only).
4. Sit the Test
ICAS Test Supervision Instructions
Instructions on administering a test including troubleshooting tips.
Supervise a live test