Awards & Recognition

Certificates suitable for inclusion in a portfolio are awarded to all participants. Certificates are awarded on the following basis:
the top 1% of entrants in each year level in Malaysia
the next 10% of entrants in each year level in Malaysia
the next 25% of entrants in each year level in Malaysia
the next 10% of entrants in each year level in Malaysia
for all remaining participants
Candidates must be supervised when taking an ICAS test. Neither the supervisor, nor any invigilator, should be a person who may have a conflict of interest such as a family member, relative or related party. Candidates must have participated in the competition on the official date to be eligible for a medal.

University of New South Wales (UNSW) Medals

UNSW Medals are awarded to the top student(s) in each school year in Malaysia at the discretion of EAA and the result must be judged as sufficiently meritorious. To be eligible for a medal, students must sit only the paper for the school grade/level in which they are currently enrolled at school. In special circumstances, permission may be given to participate in the competition on an alternative date. In this case, students will receive certificates but they will not be eligible to receive a medal. To ensure the integrity of the Competition, EAA reserves the right to investigate any factors which may have affected student’s performance and eligibility for awards.

Medal Presentation Ceremony

Medal Presentation Ceremony are held in November annually to publicly acknowledge, encourage and reward students’ achievements. Medals are presented to students in each year level in the core areas of Digital Technologies, English, Mathematics, Science and Writing. Photographs of Medal Presentation Ceremony will be available at our online gallery one week after the ceremony.